Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day before Thanksgiving

As I ponder all the things I am grateful for, one continues to stick out. I am grateful for meeting Chris and all my project buddies for my jump into fitness. It has been such a trememdous trip from agonizing over foods I had to give up>>>>>>to the feeling of clarity and healthfulness. I have so much more energy and life to me.

I know that tomorrow will be a challenge but I have committed to working out in the morning and then enjoying the rest of the day. I also am excited to see how well I can do about the eating part. Since we are cooking our dinner at home, I should be able to control the butter, fat and sugar going into our food. I might have fight on my hands about the sour cream and butter in the mashed potatoes with my daughter, but I think I can win her over with chicken broth instead. I will let you know.

I do want to remember all of our troops that are not able to enjoy this thanksgiving with their families. I will remember them in my blessing at the table and encourage all to do the same.

I look forward to the yoga class after thanksgiving! I am going to take my daughters with me and let them see how awesome Chris' class is.

I will blog more after thanksgiving to give details on how I survived and succeeded at staying on track with my fitness and eating program.

Namaste to all.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hey Jana,

Great to see you back at blogging! It was great to see you in class, you did great! And it was a double blessing to have you in class as I had the chance to meet Nani, your wonderful and very cool daughter. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?

I look forward to more posts from you.
